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We know that trying something new can be daunting; so we hope that these FAQs address some uncertainties. 

Who can have laser hair removal?

Most people can be a candidate for laser hair removal if the hair contains pigment. Unfortunately it does not work with grey, white, red and some blonde hair.  It's best to book a consultation to determine if your viable for laser hair removal.

Who should not have laser hair removal? 

If any of the below applies to you; you should not laser:

  • Recent use of Accutane or photo sensitive medication

  • History of keloid scar formation

  • Active herpes infection in the area of concern

  • Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus or vitiligo

  • During pregnancy

  • Active skin infections such as eczema, active herpes

When will I see results?

Two weeks following the first treatment you will begin to see results.  A slower hair growth may becomes evident and hair targeted during treatment will shed approximately 2 weeks after,  resulting in immediate hair reduction.

How long does each treatment take?

The typical regimen is 6-10 treatment sessions, spaced 4-12 weeks apart.  Treatment time depends on the area being treated.  The average treatment takes approximately 15 minutes.

Are treatments safe and painless?

DPC - During the procedure, there may be a slight 1-2 second, momentary tingling sensation that may be felt, but no pain.  the treatment leave you with zero downtime; so you can get them done between errands or lunch hour and quickly return to your daily routine.


LP-NG Yag - Ultrasound gel will be applied to the area to keep it cool and allow for better cohesion of the light energy.  The smell of burnt hair is normal as well as redness and slight perifollicular raise.  A needle like sensation is also normal and is necessary to achieve results, however the sensation is only temporary.  

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